Friday, November 17, 2006

Glenn Beck the new McCarthy

I cannot believe Glenn Beck on national television asked Keith Ellison a Muslim just elected to Congress to prove he is not a terrorist. 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.' Have a little class and respect!

Then he goes on to say:
"I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way."
But you just did accuse him Glenn, be a man and at least stand behind what you say.

Glenn are you in any way associated with Joseph McCarthy? Are you planning your own hearings where we all must prove we are not terrorists? Are you going to blacklist us all until we prove to your satisfaction we are patriotic? Or should I say until we meet what you define as "patriotic". You sounded like an ignorant fool Glenn, but I guess you are an ignorant fool. You can put me on your little black list.

This goes to you Mr. Ellison. Get a little backbone! You just got accused as being a terrorist by an idiot talk show host on national television. Expose him for the ignorant fool he is. But no, instead of standing up to him you struck me as being more like "the gimp" in Pulp Fiction.

Here is the video clip:


Anonymous said...

I think its hard for some Americans to understand that there are two ways to "have a backbone" has to do with making a ruckus in order to make a point. The other has to do with getting your desired end result. Mr. Elison chose the route and the response that displayed his pride in his culture, and his tolerance for ignorance, without flying off the handle which is exactly what his foes would have wanted. Could he have stood up and called the man a butthead and cursed him four ways from Sunday? - absolutely. Would he have been justified? - many would say so. But what would have happened next? Let's say it all together Black America..."He would have been LYNCHED". Politically, socially, and culturally lynched. From that point on, nothing he did or said would ever make any difference because he would have been labeled an Angry Black Man. And EVERYONE, liberals too, would be discounting his opinion forever. It's the line some of us in this country HAVE to walk whether we like it or not. It's the decision we have to make. I like to call it strategic restraint. Some days I practice it because I have the energy and the will. Some days I don't because I don't give a F$#@ and I don't mind sacrificing a win. But EVERYDAY, I have a backbone. And from what I've seen of Mr. Elison - so does he.

George Blume said...

I do agree with what you are saying. I'm not suggesting that Ellison should have gone crazy on Beck cursing and so on but I think he could have turned the table on him in a civil way. Instead he sidestepped it instead of taking him on. He did take the safe route and I'm sure he did not expect Beck to say what he did which caught him off guard.

Anonymous said...

I have no particular affection for Mr. Beck and I am miles from agreeing with just about everything the man has to say, but I will say this... I think what you've done here is the very thing that many so-called yellow journalists, and for that matter, most media, routinely do , and that is take Beck's comments completely out of context. The lead in comments about "devil's advocate" and "I don't believe you ARE a terrorist" and so on I think were more than adequate to show that, though he's a loudmouthed boob sometimes, sometimes he's just asking a simple question, though admittedly a sensationalistic one (he's got a show to sell, after all) that warrants asking. He's clearly not attacking Ellison. And maybe that's why Ellison doesn't feel he's got to "fight back." I think the way he handled Beck's comments were dignified and displayed an understanding of the tone in which Beck intended his questions. I think in bringing up that Beck did this wrong and Ellison did that wrong you're guilty of fanning flames that have no need of fanning -- in your own way making them worse than the situation you think you're "righting." Ellison wasnt' offended -- he's a smart man -- why should you be so bent out of shape? He wasn't offended because he heard the whole question. You've singled out a line or two and called it an interview.

George Blume said...

I dont' claim to be a journalist. I comment that's all. Please don't tell me Beck was playing the devil's advocate by asking the question about terrorism, he's just covering his butt and getting a shot in. The fact is, he asked the question which was very disrespectful.

Beck has made a living out of convincing people that his right wing views are not views but fact. He routinely goes over the top.

Beck's comments are not out of context at all. The link the to interview is there. He said what he said.

So Beck was not attacking Ellison you say? What do you call it then? I suppose you think Beck was doing a service to America in some way by asking if he was a terrorist. I don't know why CBS and CNN didn't ask the question first.

I stand by what I said about Ellison not having a back bone. He should never have gone on the show to begin with if he wasn't up to the challenge. Instead he goes and takes his pants off and bends over the table for the waiting Beck. Really. He needed to respond.