Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Court bounces case of Long Island man jailed 17 years for slaying parents

Court bounces case of Long Island man jailed 17 years for slaying parents

It is all too common place to see the police use forceful interrogation tactics to secure confessions or create evidence in cases where they think they know who committed the crime without conducting a full and unbiased investigation.

In this particular case I wonder how the police could not figure out that the man who was murdered's last evening was spend with a man who owed him over 100 grand. Instead they fingered the 17 year old son and extracted a confession from him.

The Duke lacrosse case is another great example of the legal system creating or manipulating evidence to secure their desired verdict. I only wonder what would have happened to those young men if they had not been able to access top notch lawyers. There has to be many other cases that end up with innocents behind bars because they don't have the legal resources.

The police in the confession case above ought to be thrown in jail themselves. It's criminal in my opinion to do what they did. But that won't even come up as a possibility. We need more safeguards against such sloppy police work.

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