Sunday, November 12, 2006

Your Share of the National Debt

As of the date of this post the national debt was $8,610,692,271,807.47

That comes to $28,682.43 per person.

We are overspending at the rate of $2.3 billion per day.

Nice work Mr. Bush and Congress! Hard to believe my newborn son is $28k in debt.

Here is a link to the national debt tracker where I got the above numbers.

Here is an article on the national debt by NPR. Take a look a the graph which shows the national debt is 64% of the GNP. The article is mostly about the raising of the national debt ceiling to $9 Trillion dollars. No we don't have a serious spending problem in this country!

Here is a link to an NPR podcast that talks about the true cost of the war in Iraq. The cost could top $2 Trillion.

It is wrong to mortgage our future for today. We are facing a serious shortage in Social Security that will start to come due very soon. How are we going to face this problem if we cannot control our current government spending? I hope the Democrats can curtail this massive amount of over spending but I'm not holding my breath.

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